February 28, 2011

Spring is almost here!

(this picture is from last year)

I am actually quite excited that tomorrow is 1st of March!

Children have been asking for.e.ver. about spring. I taught them the seasons last year, and officially the month of March starts the spring. So in this house we have been counting days, and we start living spring tomorrow.

Of course, being spring, the weather has been all over the place. Some time ago I posted pictures of the blooming daffodils. They still bloom, one by one, but it has not gotten much warmer yet. It has rained. Then it got warmer, and we all got our ears perked up, sniffing for warmer winds and blooming trees. But no, it got cool. And then it got cold. And couple of nights ago our water pump froze.

So it is exactly what a spring weather should be...

...rainy days when cuddling inside next to a heater is a good idea...not just for cats...

...puddles and mud on the roads enjoying the sunshine after the rain...

...sunny days when kitchen towels get a little outing...and the kids are stoked, running and rollerskating and biking around the yard...

...and we get a small spring fever too and start planning the garden...pruning the trees...
planting the seeds...

...and our children throw off their pants and start playing in the soil...
just like kids should...

...and this is our dream!

Blossoming tree.
Sweet apricot blossoms!
I love you.
I miss you.
See you soon.

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